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Figuring out your college costs and how you’ll pay can seem complicated – even a bit scary. It doesn’t have to be!

At Anne Arundel Community College, we work hard to keep the financial process simple and straightforward. Along with our affordable costs, there are a variety of scholarships and financial aid options available, plus an interest-free payment plan. Let us help you make an 91É«ÇéƬ education possible.

Credit Costs and Payment

If you’re interested in pursuing a degree or taking classes for college credit, browse the resources below for information on tuition and fees, scholarships, financial aid, payment plans and more.

Noncredit Costs and Payment

For students taking noncredit courses for personal enrichment, job training or career development, costs are calculated by the course (instead of by credit hour) and are paid at time of registration. Browse costs and aid information below.

How much?

There are a number of tools for estimating your education costs. Try one of these:

91É«ÇéƬ Scholarships

Scholarships are available for both credit and noncredit students. Visit our 91É«ÇéƬ Scholarships page to learn more.

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at 410-777-1212