Recognize the history and current principles of pharmacology pertaining to health professions. Discuss drug categories according to body system and therapeutic applications. Identify categories of analgesic and anti-infective medications and their therapeutic effects. Describe the body's immune response related to vaccine administration and disease prevention. Prerequisite: Eligiblility for ENG 101/ENG 101A.
Term: Spring 2025
Course Type: Credit - 3 Credits
Section: 201 (Closed)
Ways to take the class: Online
Start Date: 01/22/2025
End Date: 05/18/2025
Location: Online
Room: TBA
Instructor: Stephanie E Smith-Baker (Subject to change)
Class Size: 25
Section Info: This section is participating in the Direct Digital Access program. A course materials fee of $42.00 plus tax will be charged to your student account when you register. Your course materials will be accessible in Canvas on or before the first day of class. For more information, visit色情片-DDA.